Latest News
Hey Skyline! The school year is winding down, which means the swim team season is about to begin! We want to welcome all the new families to Skyline this year (There are over 30 new families!) Please read through this email for some important information.
Welcome Back/Meet the Coaches - Sunday, June 6, 3-5 PM at Stoner Park Pavilion
Stop by for a chance to meet this year's coaches, board members, and other Skyline families. It's also a chance to get questions answered, bring your registration check if still needed, and enjoy an ice cream treat. Please RSVP so we know how many to expect.
Skyline Season Guide
The 2021 Skyline Swim Season Guide has been updated and is attached. Please be sure to read it, even if you are a veteran, due to changes this season.
Virtual Stroke and Turn Clinic
There seems to have been some confusion about signing up for this on the Meet and Events. This a VIRTUAL Clinic for those people interested in being trained to be a Stroke and Turn Judge. THIS IS NOT FOR SWIMMERS. If you signed up your swimmer thinking this was a swim clinic, please go on the Skyline Website and change your availability for that event. I need to know who exactly is planning to attend so I can send the Zoom link.
Meet Availability
An email was sent earlier this weekend to anyone who had not signed up their swimmer for any meets this year. Please log on to the website and complete this soon. This is especially important if your child plans to swim in either the Conestoga Valley Invitational or the Woodridge Classic since registration for those events is due soon.
Volunteer Sign-Up
You can read all about volunteer positions in the Swim Guide. Volunteer sign-up on the website will be happening soon. Stay tuned for an email to let you know when it is open. We will especially be needing someone to be trained at the first home meet on how to run the computer at meets.
Skyline Swim Parent Board
This year we have a few parents who will be leaving the board due to having a graduating senior. We are looking for anyone interested in joining to fill these open positions: treasurer and concessions coordinator.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, email us at [email protected].
Until the next email, have a great week!