Divisionals - Timer Sign Up and T-shirts
Good evening!
We just received information regarding the Division 1 Championship meet to be held on July 24 in Adamstown! More information will be included in future Skyline Sunday Scoops, however, this is extremely TIME SENSITIVE! This year, the Divisional T-Shirt is only being sold online. THERE WILL BE NO SHIRTS FOR SALE AT THE EVENT! If you would like to order a shirt please click the link below and place your order by JULY 8th!!!!! (Password when prompted: Divisionals2021)
Here is the link for TIMER sign-ups - They split the timers into two groups (free, back & breast, fly, relays). Please only sign up for timer positions. Adamstown will cover the other positions listed. We will need 6 timers in the morning and 6 more in the afternoon.
AM session: