All League Lineups
Attached below is a first draft of the League Champs lineup. Using the swimmers who were marked as available this past Thursday, I came up with the following relays and individual qualifiers/events. Today could bring us more individual qualifiers and could change around the relays but I wanted to get this out in case I have swimmers listed who can't be at the meet (especially relay swimmers). Times do count from today so swimmers who qualify in more than 2 strokes after today can choose which strokes they want to swim. If your swimmer qualifies today and you want to change your availability from no to yes, please contact Coach Barb or tell her at the meet today. PLEASE EITHER TELL ME AT DIVISIONALS TODAY OR EMAIL/TEXT COACH BARB BEFORE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT WITH ANY CHANGES.. Entries are due tomorrow and I work in the morning until 2 then have the banquet so don't have much time to make changes. Thanks for your cooperation and see you today at the meet or tomorrow at the banquet. Good Luck to all the swimmers today!! Have fun and swim smart!! Coach Barb